
My beautiful daughter

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jaci's Birthday

I can't believe next week my baby girl would be 19 years old! My heart gets heavier as the day approaches! I don't think I'm going to have a gathering like we have in the past, I think I'm just going to go out to the cemetary and update pictures, clean up and spend some quite time there. I got a message on facebook last week from a little girl in my youngest son's class (10 yrs old) that she had been to the cemetary and some of the pictures had fallen over and she had cleaned up some. She then asked if it was ok to put one of Jaci's pictures in her locker at school. I was so touched that after all this time a little girl who barely knew her was still wanting something to remember her by! I gave her one of my favorite pics to put in her locker. I was so touched my the thought of this little girl. I always love it when people talk about her or mention her name, I talk about her often because I don't want people to forget about her. I miss her so much! It's so hard to explain the hole I feel inside-it's a pain so deep I wouldn't want anyone to have to experience.

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